Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis

Place:  València, Spain, May 15-17, 2019

The Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics (AELINCO) and the Organising Committee (members of the English Philology Area of ​​the Department de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya and IULMA) welcome you to participate in the XI International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2019), which will be held at the Facultat de Filologia, Traducció i Comunicació of Universitat de València (València, Spain), in May 2019 (15-17). The theme for this new edition will be Corpus Approaches to Discourse Analysis.

Corpus-Assisted Discourse Studies (CADS) has become firmly established as a research area, with a large number of publications, developments and researchers who have adopted it as a paradigm.  It would not be risky to state that both Discourse Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis have been enriched thanks to Corpus Linguistics, on many occasions through methodological synergies. It is our hope that CILC2019 becomes an ideal forum where researchers can discuss how Corpus resources, approaches or methodologies can help scholars in the analysis of discourse in any language.

We are also pleased to announce that the following plenary speakers have confirmed their participation in CILC2019:




























As in earlier editions of CILC, the conference welcomes other contributions that may foster the development of Corpus Linguistics. These should fit into any of the nine thematic panels:

  1. Corpus design, compilation and types.
  2. Discourse, literary analysis and corpora.
  3. Corpus-based grammatical studies.
  4. Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography.
  5. Corpora, contrastive studies and translation.
  6. Linguistic variation and change through corpora.
  7. Corpus-based computational linguistics.
  8. Corpora, language acquisition and teaching.
  9. Special uses of corpus linguistics.

For more information, please download the first and second call for papers. 


Publication announcement:

We are pleased to announce that, in order to promote research on corpus
linguistics, we will be publishing 1 or 2 monographs, offering a selection of the
papers presented at this conference.
Therefore we invite you to submit your full papers to the organising committee
by September 1st 2019.
All the contributions will follow the usual double-blind peer review process.
Those obtaining positive reviews will appear in top-quality publishing houses.
An email with all the relevant information and publication guidelines will be sent
to you next week.
The organising committee


Organisers, sponsors, collaborators