Monika Bednarek is Associate Professor in Linguistics at the University of  Sydney, Australia. She is a corpus-based discourse analyst who works on language use in the mass media (media linguistics) and on the connection between language and emotion/attitude. She is the author of six books, including Language and Television Series: A Linguistic Approach to TV Dialogue (2018>) and The Language of Fictional Television: Drama and Identity (2010). Most recently, she has published a collection of interviews with Hollywood screenwriters, Creating Dialogue for TV: Screenwriters Talk Television (2019). She tweets @corpusling, and maintains a website at        


Brett Mills is Visiting Professor of Media Studies at Edge Hill University, UK, and Honorary Professor of Media and Cultural Studies at the University of East Anglia, UK. His most recent book is Animals on Television: The Cultural Making of the Non-Human. With Professor Claire Parkinson (Edge Hill University, UK) and Professor Candice Satchwell (University of Central Lancashire, UK) he is currently undertaking the AHRC-funded research projects, Multispecies Storytelling: More-Than-Human Narratives About Landscape (2019-22) and Multisensory Multispecies Storytelling to Engage Disadvantaged Groups in Changing Landscapes (2020-22).



Kay Richardson works in the UK, University of Liverpool, in the Department of Communication and Media Studies, School of the Arts. She has published widely in media and language studies. Broadcast TV drama dialogue was the subject of the 2010 monograph with Oxford University Press (Television Dramatic Dialogue: a Sociolinguistic Study), whilst nonfiction radio comes in for attention in her recent article "The Listening Project as caring public talk" (Discourse, Context and Media (2018); “Newspaper reportage features in "Spelling-gate: politics, propriety and power", Journal of Language and Power, (2018), whilst previously she has also written about social media interaction (Internet Discourse and Health Debates, Palgrave 2005. A review article about the study of mediated fiction is published in the 2020 edition of the Routledge Handbook of Media and Communication Research.




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