Call for papers

Date for presentation of papers: from 6-03-2023 to 5-10-2023

Call for papers

Interested people may submit contributions referring to research, projects or practical experiences related to the thematic areas of the congress:

  • Health/physical activity/sport promotion in the school context.
  • Initial and in-service teacher training.
  • Educational innovation.
  • Community field.
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Public and institutional policies.

It could be presented contributions with a maximum of 5 authors, and 50% or the majority of the authors signing a contribution must be registered for the congress. A maximum of two contributions per author may be submitted, regardless of the type of work (photographic exhibition or oral communication of any kind).

The type of contribution to be presented must be chosen considering the following categories:

- Oral Presentation. Papers will have a maximum length of 500 words in their main body (excluding title, authorship, keywords and references). The title and keywords (between three and five) must be included in Spanish/Catalan and English. Papers should be prepared using the categories and templates available below:

o Research. (Anonymous template to research and Research template).

o Teaching experience. (Anonymous template to teaching experiences and Teaching experience template).

- Photographic exhibition: "Promoting healthy lifestyles in... [school name]". Photographic exhibition regulation, Anonymous template to photographic exhibition, Photographic exhibition template,  Authorization signed by the management of the center

* The authors can modify the titles of the sections to adapt to their contributions, but always respecting the style of the template. Each template includes three versions depending on the language in which the work is submitted (Spanish, Catalan or English). Please delete unused versions of the template. Papers must follow the APA 7th Ed. style for references, both in the main text and in the references list. Both research and teaching staff may submit contributions in any of the above categories.

The submission of contributions will be done through the contribution’s submission form. The deadline for communication of acceptance of papers is 08th of September, 2023​. For the photographic exhibition option, the deadline is extended to 15 July 2023. Once received, the work will be evaluated anonymously (double-blind system) by two members of the Scientific Committee of the congress. This evaluation will consider both formal aspects (format, structure, correctness of bibliographical references, etc.) and the content of the paper (originality, relevance, clarity, coherence, methodology, results, etc.). Please make sure to remove all information that could identify the authorship of the work at the time of submission.

Once the evaluation has been carried out, the reviewers will propose acceptance of the contribution, minor modifications, relevant modifications, or rejection. In case of major discrepancies in the reviews, a third person will take part in the process. The deadline for communication of acceptance of papers is 01st of July, 2023. If the contribution needs to be modified, authors will have 15 days from notification to make the changes. If the contribution is accepted, the final version of it must be resubmitted, including the names and affiliations of the authors of the paper. In the case of accepted contribution is an oral communication, a presentation must be prepared for presentation at the congress following the format of the following template: (PPT presentation template communication). In the case that the accepted contribution is a photographic exhibition, this must be printed by the authors of the work following the template for its elaboration. This contribution will be exhibited during the congress.

Accepted papers will be published in the official Proceedings Book of the congress in open access, which will have DOI and ISBN.

Finally, accepted papers may be selected for publication in a monograph in the following journals:

- Ágora. Revista de Investigación Científica ( empirical contributions will be accepted if they fit in with the subject matter of the journal. The manuscript (not the abstract of the communication) must be written in English, Spanish or Catalan (in the latter case a version of the paper in Spanish must also be sent). A maximum of 10 contributions will be selected from those proposed for this journal.

- Psychology, Society, & Education ( empirical contributions will be accepted if they fit in with the subject matter of the journal. The manuscript (not the abstract of the communication) must be written in English or Spanish. A maximum of 8 contributions will be selected from those proposed for this journal.

To this end, the authors of the contributions must consider:

1. At the time of submission, they should indicate their wish to their contribution be considered for either of the two journals in the template and in the contribution’s submission form. It should be considered that the subject matter of the contribution fits in with that of the journal selected.

2.         The evaluation of contributions for publication in the journals is reserved to the Scientific Committee of the congress, which will evaluate the proposed contributions in accordance with their suitability to the subject matter of the journal and the evaluation made of the communication.

3. Following this selection, the authors will be informed of the decision and a new document must be prepared as an article by the authors. This document must comply with the regulations indicated by the journal itself.

4.         The paper will be subjected to a new evaluation process before it is finally published by the journal. The selection of a contribution does not imply its definitive publication in the selected journal if the requirements of the journal are not met.


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