
WARP4, the 4rd International Workshop on Arc Routing Problems, will take place from May 22 to May 24, 2022 in Valencia (Spain), with the support of the Department of Statistics and Operations Research and the Faculty of Mathematics of the Universitat de València.


WARP4 follows the three previous workshops held in Copenhagen in May 2013 (WARP1), held in Lisbon in May 2016 (WARP2) and the last workshop help in Pizzo in May 2019 (WARP3). All of them focus on Arc Routing Problems and other related problems such as General Routing Problems or Arc Sectoring Problems.

Over the last 50 years, interest in this class of problems has been increasing among researchers and practitioners, especially in the last 20 years. A simple search in Scopus for the terms "arc routing" and "postman problem" in titles, abstracts or keywords shows only 113 papers were published before 2000. In the period 2000-2009 there were 209, increasing to 461 in the period 2010-2019. Since then, we can already find slightly more than 100 papers.


The objective of WARPs is to strengthen the international network and give researchers and practitioners with an interest in Arc Routing the opportunity to share their latest research activities and ideas with the rest of the Arc Routing community. More specifically, the workshop focuses on:

Models. Works proposing any model typology are invited (single or multiple vehicles, single or multiple objectives, deterministic or stochastic settings, etc.).

Methods. Contributions on exact and (meta/mat)heuristic approaches are invited, especially those based on new solution frameworks. In addition, studies on computational complexity issues are encouraged.

Applications. Arc Routing arises naturally in applications related to garbage collection, road gritting, mail delivery, network maintenance, and snow clearing. Contributions concerning these applications are invited. In addition, we particularly welcome studies exploring new areas of application, such as the use of drones.


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